Business Functions For Excel

Financial Projections Function Library for Excel on Windows

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Business Functions is a function library for Microsoft Excel for Windows that's been around since 2002. The latest version is 1.66 (Dec 2023).
It was developed to help make business plans, budgets, structured financings and cashflows more powerful and manageable, in particular:

  • more adaptable, a single function call invoking different kinds of behaviour.

  • more accurate with its date/time system that models time periods either on accruals or cash, with several daycount options.

  • faster to build, using an existing palette of building blocks, rather than reinventing the wheel every time.

  • quicker calculating, exploiting compiled C++.

  • probably less error prone, using tested components and greatly reducing "spaghetti formulae". You can still misses the components however.

  • more transparent and understandable, because the function's name and documentation explains the intent of what's being modelled better than a hieroglyphic formula.

BF is a comprehensive collection of projections functions, with a particular expertise in property and loans.
Some 500 or so functions do the dirty work of projecting costs and revenues, coping with time periods, growth etc. In many contexts it is a complete solution, allowing models to dynamically run on any timebase (quarterly, annually etc) by changing a single cell.

© Business functions Ltd. All rights reserved.

December 22nd 2023. London
Another upgrade, no change to function library, just recompiled and a couple of user interface fixes.
February 12th 2022, London
Hot on the heels of the first major release for several years, version 1.63 was released today.
Its a maintenance Release. After taking the Regular Expression functions out in version 1.62, we actually put them back in this release because they have recently been incorporated into the basic C++ library. So I upgraded to latest version of C++ (20) and completed the removal of Boost library dependencies that didn't get sorted out in 1.62. Also, the help file has a listing of the source code in C++ for the curious. It won't explain everything but may help in understanding.

January 22nd 2022, London
We're proud to release version 1.62 after a lull of 5 years!
We're also excited to say BF is now FREE for now and the foreseeable future (it never actually did pay for that yacht!), so no more License Codes or nag screens.There have been no feature changes except we retired the Regular Expression section, it was too much hassle to maintain with the Boost Libraries and syntax changes. There are no plans to remove any other features.But it has been recompiled with the latest compiler, tidied up in places, and tested against all the example files.There are 3 "versions" you can download. The LITE version is the old free version, that has a fairly minimal menu and of course the library of functions. The MODEL BUILDER version is the old paid version which has a few extra utilities and tools to make business forecasting hopefully easier. The LIBRARY XLL only version is the ultra lightweight package that just has the barebones library with no menu or help file.If I was you I would probably download the Model Builder version, thats what I use every day.


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